Baby Exercises

by majifummi


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To begin implementing regular exercise with your newborn, you'll want to capture his interest first. Start by simply putting your new little person on a blanket to watch you exercise. Let your baby see you doing exercises, enjoying them, and looking and feeling great. Children of exercising parents grow up accepting the exercise habit as both natural and necessary, which is the first step on the road to an active and healthy lifestyle. Keep reading for suggestions on integrating physical activity into your newborn's routine.Why is it some children seem to develop at a faster rate than their peers? These children may have only one special advantage over others -- parents who actively care about their growth, both physical and intellectual. Sadly, though, many parents who are very concerned about mental development give little thought to exercising their babies. By the time babies reach the age of one month (or they recover their full birth weight), they need and enjoy movement -- and not just the moving they do on their own. At this stage of life, babies need their parents' encouragement to move. As the baby gets older, movement and exercise help him maintain balance, develop strength, and use new muscles. Exercise at any early age also establishes a habit of activity that carries over into adulthood